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When I first photographed this family, I took some Halloween glamour shots of their oldest daughter dressed up as Marilyn Monroe. And that was the only kid that they had at the time! Flash forward more years than I like to admit, and this family has grown by two more beautiful girls and a sweet […]
This family is so amazing. When I first started photographing them little miss here was barely more than a toddler. It had been a few years since I had seen them and honestly, if she hadn’t been standing next to her Mama I wouldn’t have recognized her! She was tall, sweet, funny and SO beautiful. […]
Remember back in December when we were getting so much rain (we thought it was a lot until January hit)? I was trying to get family portraits done during that time. This session was literally in between rain bursts in Marin. We managed to find an hour when the rain stopped, little bits of sun […]
This is my buddy Teddy. This is my 3rd year getting to hang out with him for his family portraits and I can’t believe how much he’s grown. He was really fun this session! Super communicative, flashing the cutest smiles, really curious about the Legion and finding the best sticks. His parents are pretty cool […]
This family is another one of my long-term favorites. I started photographing them when big brother was still cooking and look how tall he is now! When I sent out my booking email, Mom replied that family portraits with me are like their holiday tradition. When they get that email, they the festive season is […]
Yep. I am behind. I know. It’s been a looooong time since I’ve blogged! I’m going to try and work on that in the next few days for sure. Nursing school is officially at a close for me next Friday, and I will just need to wait to take the licensing exam before I can […]
One of the things I think about a lot is how different my daughter’s friends are all going to look if we get to go back to school full time in the fall. We chose to do distance learning this year so she could do full-time ski team, so it will have been about a […]
It took us a long time to find the right photographer. Sara was amazing. She was wonderful with our little girl and the pictures were amazing. She was very flexible with us on timing and location. She had lots of nice wraps, headbands and clothes for us to choose from for the photos. She also had as white noise machine and heater to help keep our little one calm. We got our photos in just a few days. I also love that she give you all the digital copies and a print release. She is just great, I would highly recommend.
I got to photograph this beautiful family when baby girl was still cooking. After doing her newborn session too I was so excited to see them on my first day of mini session in the fall and see how much she had grown! This session was done at a less known but fantastic location in […]
Part 2 of my fall mini favs! A few blog posts ago I told you my top five portrait locations in the Bay. Baker Beach was #2 and it’s for a good reason. The beautiful sand, hillsides, views of the bridge and ocean stack it with amazing backdrops no matter which way you look. Get […]