This boy! He is a warrior. When Shiv was born he had some issues with his heart that his doctors needed to fix. So he had multiple surgeries when he was less than a week old. Because of his heart, he had to spend his first 6 weeks in the NICU before he got to come home with his Mom and Dad. But he rocked his recovery and about a week after he got home, I got to meet him.
Shiv’s parents welcomed me to their light drenched apartment out in Mission Bay. He gave us some sleepy time but also flashed those gorgeous eyes at us. His grandparents were also visiting and hopped in some of our photos too. Even more special….the tan outfit he’s wearing was what is Mama was brought home from the hospital in!
I had so much fun hanging out this amazing little man. Way to go, Shiv! I am totally cheering for you!